Club Havenrock is a PRIVATE, NOT open to the Public, free association of people, governed only by fully informed voluntary contractual understandings between themselves, verbal or written.
Many of you may not be aware of this but, “open to the public” means your business, all of it, must be transparent to “the public” and “the public” is synonymous and legally equivalent to “the government.”
Club Havenrock is meant to be an example and celebration of true anarchy, free association and enterprise, where all activity between people must be freely understood by all involved and be voluntary.
Many of you may not be aware of this but, “understood” & “understand” do not only mean that you comprehend a concept or circumstance… it means that you not only comprehend (fully informed) but you also will stand under, obey, agree too what ever is being asked of you to “understand.” The proper response is “yes, I will understand” or “no, I will not understand.” To only answer no I do not, creates enough ambiguity for a judge to have people mentally evaluated when they tell the Judge they do not understand the charges, I will not to understand the charges instead conveys a fully informed definite NO, if it is asked of you, “what do you mean,” The correct answer could be, I mean, it is not my will to stand under these charges nor your presumed authority. An illegitimate “government” has no authority. If the “State” of Oregon claims to be legitimate, make them produce registered USPS mail receipts evidencing the chain of custody for every vote they claim was cast in the “elections” since the “mail in fraud voting scheme” they implemented. If they can’t, and they can’t, they are a fraud upon the People of Oregon, they are in the act of rebellion and insurrection.
Club Havenrock will start with an ongoing “art display,” some may say it “looks like” a yard sale, but Art, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. For example, a toilet seat may be art to one, where a kitchen machine is art to another. “Art” displayed at Havenrock will also be posted in picture on this site and will be available for equal value considerations.
Keep coming back, it’ll be a few weeks but sooooon